Tag: blood tests

Found 3 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Laboratory turnaround times processing electronic blood test orders in the NHS

Unique data of 323,899 blood tests pre- and post-implementation of a computerised order entry system with key clinical pathway time-points for all blood tests. Data on date/time of requests, laboratory processing times and reported results.

Emergency hospital admissions in patients from care home settings

Longitudinal routine data for 128,000 admissions to hospital as an emergency from a care home; including treatments, interventions, ITU admissions and outcomes. Deeply phenotyped longitudinal data including serial physiology, blood biomarkers.

Identification of Medical Admissions suitable for Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC)

Acute patient data (2004 onwards) for patients with unplanned medical admission who receive Same Day Emergency Care. Granular condition, presenting complaint, acuity, ethnicity, multi-morbidity. Serial physiology , blood biomarkers, treatments.

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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