Tag: addiction

Found 3 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

NIDA Data Share

The NIDA Data Share web site is an electronic environment that allows data from completed clinical trials to be distributed to investigators and the public in order to promote new research, encourage further analyses, and disseminate information to t ...

National Addiction & HIV Data Archive Program

NAHDAP acquires, preserves and disseminates data relevant to drug addiction and HIV research. The scope of the data housed at NAHDAP covers a wide range of legal and illicit drugs (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, synthetic drugs, and others) an ...

NIDA Center on Genetics Studies

This resource stores and distributes clinical data and biomaterials (DNA samples and cell lines) available in the NIDA Genetics Initiative. This includes blood and other biospecimens along with phenotypic data.

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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