Respiratory social media database

<p>The QMUL-LSI-RSM respiratory social media is a database for multidisciplinary research aimed to improve understanding of unmet needs of people with asthma and asthma self-management. It includes 875,151 anonymised posts from 23,182 users of the Asthma UK (10 years of data) and British Lung Foundation online communities (4 years of data). </p> <p>The datasets includes publicly shared posts and their metadata (ie, the anonymized user ID numbers), user roles (eg, user, administrator, or moderator), date of posting, the hierarchical level of the post within the corresponding thread, and the dates in which the users joined and left the community. </p> <ul> <li>Asthma UK: Date from to 02/03/2006-06/09/2016 (548 weeks)</li> <li>Total number of users, n = 3,345</li> <li>Total number of posts, n = 32,780</li> <li>Number of posts per user, mean (SD) = 14.2 (55.0)</li> <li>Posts contributed by top 1% superusers, n (%) = 10,457 (31.9)</li> <li>Number of connections per user, mean (SD) = 2.1 (5.9) </li> <li>Number of connections per user, median (SD) = 1.0 (69.0)</li> </ul> <ul> <li>British Lung Foundation Date from to 13/04/2012-06/09/2016 (230 weeks)</li> <li>Total number of users, n = 19,837</li> <li>Total number of posts, n = 875,151</li> <li>Number of posts per user, mean (SD) = 66.9 (75.1)</li> <li>Posts contributed by top 1% superusers, n (%) = 426,198 (48.7)</li> <li>Number of connections per user, mean (SD) = 17.6 (69.0)</li> <li>Number of connections per user, median (SD) = 1.0 (69.0) </li> </ul> <p>See complete information in Table 1 at</p>


Name: HDR UK Innovation Gateway Access


asthma copd health social media online health communities

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