Phylogenetic patterns of genes from the Ensembl database
human and other vertebrate genomes model organisms
The Spirochetes Genome Browser
Functional network of mouse genes
Sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus genome database
Nonhuman Primate Reference Transcriptome Resource
A database of Translation Initiation Sites
Links from human disease to natural variation data in C. elegans
ChIP-Seq and DNase-Seq data in human and mouse
Genomic information on chicken and other avian species
Searchable prototype experimental evolutionary database
DataBase of Transcriptome in Mouse Early Embryos
spatio-temporal gene expression patterns indipteran embryos
Embryonic development of the mouse, chicken, zebrafish and human
Eukaryotic pseudogenes assigned to different protein families
Database server for cleansed EST libraries
A curated genome expression database of Oikopleura dioica
CRISPR single guide RNAs to zebrafish genes
piggyBac transposon insertions in the mouse genome.
Gene indices of human, mouse, zebrafish, Arabidopsis, and Drosophila
Conserved syntenies for various animal, plant and bacterial genomes
Orthologous and Paralogous Transcripts in Clades